Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Knowledge, a nine letter word which is an invaluable asset for many eminent scientists, scholars in the present technological world. But, for few it is a valuable one. Everyday we see it's usage and it's contribution to the mankind. It helps man in many ways from the time his journey of day begins to till he rests his day. Fortunately or unfortunately, to our surprise we see this knowledge has been outweighed in many terms by the present day people in innumerable ways. The outweighing of this knowledge is none other than the World's unconstitutional ruler: Money. One may be puzzled to see the outweighed item as money, but it is true to say that,from the small things of small people to big things of big shots, it has been marketed valuably with a price tag attached. For instance, the commercialiazation of education. Today, the fee which is being paid for kindergarten in private schools & play schools is more than sufficient for a postgraduation course in the past. The rationale is none other than to provide a good and better education to the children only at the cost of given price tag, if the said price is not remitted, the educational service is not available. Hence, education is not at the reach of people who are below the prescribed tags. The biggest surprise to the older folks is that once it was an invaluable asset, but today it has been turned into a valuable thing with the aid of money. I read it somewhere, "Knowledge is created by God and Money is created by Man, how can one replace the one created by God with the one created by Man."  Is it a viable thing to do? This has been proved viable in the present day world. "Higher the money earned by a person, more knowledgeable he is" this is the notable notion in the lips of the most educated,civilised,literate and illeterate people. Even the reputed companies hire the professionals with lucrative pay, packages with a profound knowledge. The lucrative pacakge is in lieu of their sound knowledge for the domain they work at. In this way knowledge has been commercialized in a sophisticated manner.

We should try to make the knowledgeable education at the reach of every person, with sound reforms and better implementation of the reform structure. Tandemly, we must eradicate the notion of outweighing knowledge with money by bringing the sense of altruism in the tiny deeds we do with knowledge. This can happen only when a larger forum addressed with its implications. The recent Yashpal committee on the Education reforms may bring some subtle change to the way knowledge is being treated by the folks of persent day.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Epitomize Your Character

Someone has rightly said: "Reputation is known by the world and Character is known only by one i.e, none other than the GOD". But still, why do we crave for the one which is known by the people around us? The answer is omnipresent. Why don't we starve to epitomize the one which is know by the Almighty? This is not an ubiquitous answer. Perhaps the answer is, we hardly follow the intangible things in letter and spirit by following the tangible ones. For a moment this strikes our mind that we are incorrect to introspect ourselves about the perception of tangible and intangible things in the world. But when we retrospect the same, we find some genuine answers which always pave some ways to change the way we take and think about the things around us. How far we succeed in changing ourselves from the crutches of such vices? Might be at times, when we read some lines from great personalities, we resolute to change but the same resolution was never a long lasting one. So again, this poses another question at the back of our mind. What to do to make the resolution an ever lasting one in one's life? Candidly, this can answer all the above posted queries. We always resolute to do many things with a half heart which later disheartens the resolution. Hence, we tend to leave resolutions in half-way. The day when we know the NUTS and BOLTS of resolution which we accept to inherit then we can make an altruistic resolution with a whole heart to persevere. Most of us realize this in the final stages of life. The earlier we realize this, the better we can shape our lives.
Eventually, one should always remind oneself : " Skill takes us to the top but our Character only can keep us there". Reputation comes by Skill but Character inherits by Virtue.