Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Everyone's life consists of ups and downs. The reponse a man shows to these ups and downs in life is nothing but Success. Perhaps the definition of success differs in every individual's perspective but the destination of success will never gets differed. For some, success is self-satisfaction after accomplishing the desired endeavour. For some, success comes when other individuals recognize and laud. In this way, success has myriad definitions in the life of human beings. Success comes before work only in the dictionary but not in real life. It always follows the hard work and individual's optimisim. As ideas verily rule this world, success even rules the world. The embryonic form of success is idea. If an idea is generated, planned and executed well will eventually turn into success. Let it be in any field in the Universe, well planned and executed ideas turn many myths into reality with a clarion call, called as Success.

"Glance at the path of success is so simple but following the path of success is surrounded by many difficult tasks". There are numerous ways to overcome the difficulties that encounter during the path of success. But here, I try to define the one which i follow judiciously. For me, "The mantra of success is Three P's - Passion, Patience and Perseverance".  To achieve niches in personal or professional life, initially one must have the zeal and enthusiasim. The first P - Passion acts as an ignition or as a burning desire to generate the idea of getting succeeded in the choosen field. May be to move to the next level or may be to increase the profits of the company, to become the richest man on this planet, anything it can be. Next comes the enduring characteristics that one has in one's life. Perhaps,this period is short or long depending on the choosen objective in the stage of first P. The planning stage of success gets initiated here and will take a definitive shape, but often tends the individual to quit from the right path because of the time constraint. The patience which an individual shows until the taste of success comes, is the second P- Patience. Continuing towards the path of success by overcoming the encountered difficulties without even drifting from the treaded path is nothing but the third P-Perseverance which is the real testing period of success. Perhaps, this is the most cumbersome and hapzard stage in the path of success. The vital aspect which keeps the individual to move forward in all the three stages would the optimisim or the confidence of the individual.

One can never predict the period and difficulties come in the way of success. Anyone can see the idea to do something and to succeed which hardly needs any toil. Hence, only those who put in toil in the later stages will for sure taste the deliciousness of success. "Sooner or Later, a man who wins is the man who thinks he can". The man of integrity and grit will sweat to welcome the hardships that success consists of. Kites never rise with the wind, they rise against the wind. A man who dares to dream high is the man who bounds to win. If a man is timid to dream high how can he turn those dreams into reality. In some contexts, success comes from failure. During the time of disappointments, showing the back is common for many but who endures in these circumstances and recognizes the correct morals out of the failure, is the deserved one to succeed. Eventually, one should realise that one may need to invest one's whole life to taste the fragnance of success by journeying whole life. Then the Journey of Success may find a destination if the individual is satisfied, if not he is free to do another Journey of Success.